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I would recommend this to everyone EXCEPT for professionals within my own industry,
because we want to keep our competitive edge over our peers 

– Kasper Feldt, Consultant and Sales Manager

The Trade Show Academy trained Cobi Rehab in aligning their team's goals, roles and responsibilities including how to drive more qualified leads. 

New mindset

A new holistic mindset with a value-driven approach 

Edge over peers

Because of simple, but effective adjustments to their booth and staff setup 

Aligned team

Common language of how they talk, plan and attend trade shows with shared ownership of the success

Cobi Rehab is a small company with about 20 employees that develops, imports, and exports ergonomic, assistive devices. They primarily focus on niche products. 

Selected courses and training

Rethinking trade shows to improve efforts

When Consultant and Sales Manager, Kasper Feldt, entered Cobi Rehab it had been a longstanding tradition to participate in trade shows. It was the norm.

Cobi Rehab chose to cancel their latest participation in a major trade show, because Kasper couldn’t see the value in it. He couldn’t assess or analyze the value, so instead of spending a lot of money, he decided they shouldn’t participate.

This caused a lot of stir in the company.

Kasper wanted to find a better way to do it – to get the most from their trade show participation. That’s why he attended a Masterclass with Jakob Dyrbye at Danish Industry (DI) about how to achieve success with trade shows in the future, which kickstarted the collaboration.  

Jakobs presentation inspired me to reconsider our trade show participation and how we could improve our efforts. He mentioned that exhibiting is a skill. That triggered me. It fits into my own personal understanding of how we are as people and what we do.”  

– Kasper Feldt.

An investment worthwhile

Kasper had concerns about spending money on an online course without knowing exactly what he got from it. So he contacted The Trade Show Academy.

“I wanted to make sure that if we were to participate in another trade show that it was in a way that made sense and added value to the company.

By discussing my pain points with Jakob, he recommended, I take the Trade Show Staff Training Course and follow up with a workshop.

The insights we gained, even if simple and not rocket-science, made the investment worthwhile.”
Taking control of the trade show

The biggest aha-moment

For Kasper the biggest aha-moment was when Jakob compared trade shows to a play. With this analogy, he got a new mindset of how to stand out from his competitors.

"The theater analogy was the biggest aha-moment for me with the stage design, customer journey and manuscript. That I can control when guests should "applaud" and when they should go to a certain place at my booth. That you control the show.
To ensure that the customer wants to come back and see more of the "play." It was a strong image of it all. That this is what we need to do. A rehearsed setup to inspire guests to want more. To see more.

The Trade Show Staff Training Course

A decision that has given real value

Jakob’s teaching approach and the (short) length of the video lessons suits Kasper and the team. 

“Jakob’s charisma, expressive body language, warmth, and well-balanced humor make his approach highly effective and genuinely enjoyable.” 

They watched the videos not only once, but 3-4 times and chose the videos that best fit to their specific challenges: 

The Trade Show Staff Training Course has much more value than a 1–day course, where you have paid way too much money for a mediocre sandwich and forget everything the minute you leave.

The videos become a useful tool that we can use as a team. We can watch them over and over, and re-hear Jakob’s insights, when planning our trade show. And suddenly we have this common language for how we talk, plan and attend trade shows. It is a whole new way of thinking – a different mindset.”

The Trade Show Staff Training Course

A decision that has given real value

Jakob’s teaching approach and the (short) length of the video lessons suited Kasper and the team. 

“Jakob’s charisma, expressive body language, warmth, and well-balanced humor make his approach highly effective and genuinely enjoyable.” 

They watched the videos not only once, but 3-4 times and chose the videos that best fit to their specific challenges: 

The Trade Show Staff Training Course holds so much value. 

The videos become a useful tool that we can use as a team. We can watch them over and over, and re-hear Jakob’s insights, when planning our trade show. And suddenly we have this common language for how we talk, plan and attend trade shows. It is a whole new way of thinking – a different mindset.”

I rate the course 5 stars. It has given us an advantageous edge, why I from a competitive standpoint, would not recommend The Trade Show Staff Training Course to others within my own industry. However, I highly recommend this to individuals in my network and across various sectors,
as I genuinely believe it is valuable for exhibitors.

The Trade Show Staff Training Workshop

A holistic perspective and collective mission

For Kasper and the team, the workshop with The Trade Show Academy gave them a whole new approach to trade shows:

“Overall, it was a great session filled with numerous aha moments and insightful tips. The workshop has given us a new holistic perspective on trade shows and has motivated us to apply this new mindset at our smaller conferences and events as well. 

It has also aligned our team. Instead of it’s me saying, we need to count, measure and train – it becomes a collective mission, where everybody takes ownership of the trade show success.” 

The Trade Show Staff Training Workshop

A new holistic mindset and a collective mission

For Kasper and the team, the workshop with The Trade Show Academy gave them a whole new approach to trade shows: 

“Overall, it was a great session filled with numerous aha moments and insightful tips. The workshop has given us a new holistic perspective on trade shows and has motivated us to apply this new mindset at our smaller conferences and events. 

It has also aligned our team. Instead of that it’s me saying, we need to count, measure and train – it becomes a collective mission, where everybody takes ownership of the trade show success.” 

I would give Jakob 5 stars for his engagement and knowledge bank.
Even though the workshop could have been more structured, it was incredibly valuable, largely thanks to Jacob's passion and expertise. If it weren't for the fact that people tend to lose concentration after three hours, we could have continued much longer. There was much more I wanted to see, hear, and experience.

Other Exciting Cases

Other Remarkable Cases

84% Increase in Awareness After Exhibition

53% Increase
in Course Sign Ups

"We Didn't Know The Value of our Activities. Because of the Event Blender and ROI Calculator Now We Do"

A workshop with Jakob is the way to achieve more value, understanding and noticeable change within trade shows and events

“Jakob conveyed the material in an easy-to-understand, effective and professional manner. He had familiarized himself with who we are as a company and our target group.

We left with a noticeable change – new and useful knowledge, a shared understanding and alignment, and concrete tools to strengthen value creation in our trade show work. I can highly recommend.”

– Mette Skovgaard Petersen
Head of Communication and Marketing at Wicotec Kirkebjerg

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