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The Complexity Curve
Listen to Jakob Dyrbye explain the concept behind the complexity curve.
It's a 6-minute watch. Don't have the time? No problem! You'll find a written summary below. 

The Complexity Curve

Y-axis: The complexity of doing well in f2f marketing

Whether you are working with trade shows, fairs, exhibitions, events or other type of in-person events, there is room for doing better. 

Y-axis: The aspect of time

After the financial crisis the need there was a shift from a purely logistic point of view to a more value creating scene.

Thus allowing for a movement to improve results within new areas of the stand. 


The Education Gap 

It’s about finding out the individual and collective education level of the billion industry of trade fairs, exhibitions and other in-person events.

The education gap: Where the X and Y axis meet

This is where this a lack of elements to always be successful with our f2f marketing. But also a potential do more with factors such as:

This is why we created The Trade Show Academy

To create a coherent platform of information that allows you to add on your current skillset to become an even better face-to-face marketer within areas like lead generation, objective setting, staff training, ROI and ROO and turning pain into gains. 

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Meet the Expert Jakob Dyrbye

With 28+ years of experience within the trade show and event industry and hosting hundreds of seminars, workshops, lectures, and kick-off meetings, having thousands of guests talking about everything that moves within the industry of trade shows, exhibitions, events, and experiences, Jakob is the “go-to-guy”, the living face-to-face marketing toolbox. 

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